
Eryn Friedman Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I'm Eryn Friedman I'm 14 years old. I attend North Broward Preparatory School. I have been North Broward Preparatory School, for 10 years. My favorite sports are swimming, horseback riding, and basketball. I have been swimming my whole life, but not competitively. I have been horseback riding since I was 2 years old. I just recently started with basketball, but i enjoy it very much. I have 1 sister her name is Arika. I also own a Arabian horse, his name is Solomon, along with him I also own 2 dogs, Boppy and Ashley. This summer impacted me because, I got a lot more independence because I was older. I was aloud to go boating with my friends and not have my parents on me about everything. I think the summer of 2k15 was pretty interesting,

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