Flying Liger
King Kong is a massive and mythical creature in the movie. King Kong, he slaughters people and destroyed city with it’s bare hand. But Sally Jung, who is called Dr. Bird, and Jim Chen, who is a zoologist specifically study liger, create another dangerous creature, Flying Liger, which is a combination of an eagle and liger. A flying liger is a good opponent to kill King Kong because it has massive size, fast speed, and the flying talent, and these abilities allowed flying liger slaughter King Kong easily. The thing that make flying liger a scary creature is their genes from liger.
Liger is the biggest cat in the world because it’s the combination of tiger and lion. Liger’ speed make him a scary beast. According to liger, Liger can run to 50mph which can calculating in to 80kph. The fastest gorilla in the world can reach the speed about 20mph plus King Kong have huge body, it cannot run like that fast, liger is way faster than Kin Kong. Ligers usually weigh around 900 pounds. These statistics clearly
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But not only the wings make eagles a unique and powerful creature. First, an eagle’s eyesight is the strongest in the animal kingdom. According to animal mom, eagle’s eyesight.html, the eyesight of an eagle is 4 to 8 times sharper and strong than humans, it can see movements from about 2 miles away. Eagles eyesight are good because it’s eyes are full of light sensing cells. Second, Strong wings and claws make eagle innate predatory creatures, the wings allow eagles to carry themselves and their preys, and the claws grab the prey deeply and never drop the prey. Lastly, it’s speed of flying make flying liger can move fast on the sky too. Eagles have a very fast speed when they are flying, they can fly 36 to 44 miles per hour, it’s similar as what can liger run on the land. If a scientist can combine these animals together, it’s going to be the most dangerous creatures in the
Eagles have an external naris on both sides of their beak. An eagle's lungs and air sac system are adequate for its size.
Bald eagles are birds of prey, mainly feeding on fish but they also may feed on other small birds. Eagles steal from other consumers quite often, attacking birds just to snatch a salmon from their talons. They also have been known to swoop down on otters to claim fish as the otters are eating it. An eagle's niche consists of praying and stealing food from the
The novel Flyboys by James Bradley, follows the men who served on the United States Air Force throughout World War II who all were tragically shot down by the Japanese.This novel goes over major historical events in the Pacific War, such as the Battle of Iwo Jima, the Battle of Midway, the Doolittle Raid, and the fire bombings of Japan. The novel also includes interviews from the Flyboy’s friends, family, and soldiers who served with them side by side. Flyboys does receive many opinions on the content of this novel. There are both positive viewpoints on how educational the novel is, and negative viewpoints of the actual descriptions in novel.
Bald eagles are the birds that represent the U.S. as a strong, and fearless nation. There are eight different types of eagles in the world. There is the Steller Sea Eagle, the Sanford Sea Eagle, Pallas’s Fish Eagle, African Fish Eagle, White-bellied Sea eagle, and the two most common ones to see are the White-tailed eagle and the Bald eagle. But there are still so many more different types of eagles in the world and still some to be discovered.
The Flying Troutmans by Miriam Toews showed many experiences related to situations that occur in an individual’s daily life. The novel shows evidence that proves dysfunctional in a relationship such as husband and wife relations, a child and a mother relations or relations between two sisters who live a different life.
Almost every Native American tribe has significant stories about the eagle. One story from the Walla Walla tribe concerns the two identical wing feathers found close to the breast on each wing. The two feathers are called “THE TWINS”. These feathers are aerodynamic and able to be twisted by the bird to give a smooth level effortless flight, when riding thermal currents. Indians in their superb wisdom, learned from their observation of the eagle. They had
But, why is that eagle able to fly, high, forward? Because it has two wings: a left wing and a right wing. Enough
In the novel, "Lord of the Flies," a group of British boys are left on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Throughout the novel, they have conflicts between civilization and savagery, good vs. evil, order vs. chaos, and reason vs. impulse. What would it be like if the boys were replaced by a group of girls? Would they behave the same way they did in the novel? I believe that the girls would act in the same behavior as the boys in all ways because, everyone is installed with evil inside them which is their natural instinct, also because in life there is always a power struggle in all manners, and the outcome with the girls would be similar-since both sexes would plan on getting rescued.
The main theme of Lord of the Flies is that moral nature is not instinctive in mankind. There is a capacity for evil in all people, and their morality is superficial. Nonetheless, it is this moral integrity that must continue in order for a person to be ethical, for society to be maintained, and to keep society from falling in on itself. Society holds everyone together. Without the rules and the structure, evil in everyone becomes more prominent, and ideals, values, and basics of right and wrong are forgotten. Without society's rigid rules, chaos and savagery come to light. There are also a number of secondary themes in the book such as: people will abuse power when it is not earned; people will degrade others to
A person considered property owned by another is a slave. Up until 1865, slavery was legal and one of the most horrific practice in American history. From Africa and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean, African American slaves lived in the colonies in which they had no freedom or control in their lives. Treated unfairly and inhumanely, forcefully worked for their master. Abuse, torture, rape, or even death, stood the punishments of disobedient slaves, although some slaves had the opportunity to escape their horrendous situations. To flee their plantation, slaves had to be audacious, confident, and brave even knowing the consequences. This power of opposition is best represented in the compelling novel, The Invention of Wings. In her novel,
In the story “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, he shows how the boys lost all innocence and civilization. The boys went from having innocent child minds to taking lives of other people, acting savage, and losing all civilization due to problems on the island. The boys had forgotten where they came from and became savage in order to survive; it was the need of survival that caused the loss of innocence among the boys.
Probably some of the most fearsome and violent monsters contain characteristics of a lion. A prime example is the Nemean lion. This lion was vicious and could not be hurt by bronze or stone. Since the lion is a very powerful and fierce animal, this monster is especially feared because it is partially lion and invincible to weapons. The Griffin is another ferocious monster that has the body of a lion but the head and wings of an eagle. It is especially known to guard treasure. It is a mix of the lion, the king of beast, and the eagle, king of birds, so it was very powerful. In general, monsters with lion characteristics are very powerful and feared.
The monarch butterfly, as known as Danaus plexippus, is often called the milkweed butterfly because its larvae eat the milkweed plant. They are also sometimes called "royalty butterflies" because their family name comes from the daughter of Danaus, ruler of Argos. There are many other interesting facts about this butterfly including its anatomy and life cycle, where the butterfly lies on the food chain, the migration from Canada to Mexico, why the butterfly is being threatened, and lastly, what is being done to help the butterfly.
The monarch butterfly, as known as Danaus plexippus, is often called the milkweed butterfly because its larvae eat the milkweed plant. They are also sometimes called "royalty butterflies" because their family name comes from the daughter of Danaus, ruler of Argos. There are many other interesting facts about this butterfly including its anatomy and life cycle, where the butterfly lies on the food chain, the migration from Canada to Mexico, why the butterfly is being threatened, and lastly, what is being done to help the butterfly.
The short story "The Birds" was written by Daphne du Maurrier and was filmed and directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It has a very interesting and suspenseful plot. The short story was well written and the film was well played, both are very similar. Although, they have a few differences the film and short story have the same mood and theme. Would the differences in the film and the short story affect the suspenseful and frightening plot?Alfred Hitchcock did an outstanding job filming the movie matching it with the short story. In both the short story and film flocks and flocks of gulls, robins, and sparrows join each other.