
Essay About Siddhartha

Decent Essays

Throughout the novel Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, there are many lessons of life, love, and balance that the reader may relate to and learn from to improve himself. Siddhartha teaches us these lessons on his pathway to nirvana; however the reader can still learn from his experience and take the lessons into his own life.
One lesson people are taught by watching Siddhartha is how to enjoy everything in moderation. Within the novel, Siddhartha first becomes a Samana where he deprives himself in order to find enlightenment. Then, Siddartha moves on and endulges himself in the many pleasures of love and worldly life. While this is all enjoyable to him, Siddhartha realizes that he is getting drawn farther away from true happiness, and he travels to the river to find a balance of emotion. Much like these events within the novel, people today face similar challenges with balance in their lives. For example, a child in school may need to find the time for school work, family, free time, and extra curricular activities and it can be stressful upon him, as it is stressful upon me writing an English essay the night before it is due. However, the reader learns …show more content…

Siddhartha choses to follow his own path continuously throughout his journey. An example of this is when he decides to leave the Samanas and find enlightenment by himself. He knows that other people's teachings cannot give him experience, stating, “That is why I am going on my way—not to seek another doctrine, for I know there is none, but to leave all doctrines and all teachers and to reach my goal alone—or die” (Hesse 27-28). This is also much like modern life in school. There are many different factions within the student body, and they all conform to different standards; however, Siddhartha teaches the reader that you need to make decisions for yourself and do what you aspire to do for you to feel

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