
The Four Stages Of Life Choices In Herman Hesse's Siddhartha

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In the novel Siddhartha, Herman Hesse uses different religions to let Siddhartha grow both intellectually and spiritually. During the course of his journey, Siddhartha encountered many people and experienced different ways of living and thinking about life. He also exposed himself to many religions such as, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Each religion taught him something about himself and the world around him. Hinduism is a religion that is in absence of a well-known founder, with its understandings and teachings developing over thousands of years. In Siddhartha, there is an immense amount of influence from the Hinduism religion. For example, “Still, even in the deepest meditation, he had been his father’s son, had been a Brahmin, …show more content…

Their journey as samanas and students in the stages of life leads them to questioning the path that they were following. Although, Siddhartha did learn and become much more knowledgeable after knowing the teachings from the samanas, he didn’t quite agree with their beliefs in retaining enlightenment. "[Siddhartha] is drawn by his goal, for he does not allow anything to enter his mind which opposes his goal. That is what Siddhartha learned from the Samanas. It is what fools call magic and what they think is caused by demons...there are no demons...everyone can reach his goal if he can think, wait, and fast." With this new found attitude Siddhartha sets out once again, with many new experiences and lessons waiting ahead for him. Perhaps the most abundant religion influence in Siddhartha is Buddhism. The four noble truths and the eightfold path are very prominent in Siddhartha. All of the noble truths are mentioned in Siddhartha. For example, the first truth, all life knows suffering, is portrayed in the quote, “"He saw businessmen trading, princes going to the hunt, mourners weeping over their dead, prostitutes offering themselves, doctors attending the sick, priests deciding the day for sowing, lovers making love, mothers soothing their children -- and all were not worth a passing glance, everything lied, stank of lies; they were all illusions of sense, happiness, and

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