
Essay About the Short Story: Pool by Corey Campbell

Decent Essays

Essay about the short story: Pool by Corey Campbell The short story “Pool” is about the couple Darla and Jon. The overarching theme in the story is: unhappiness in relationships, and failing marriages which both are very relevant to the society in which we live in. The author (Cory Campbell) is trying to shed some light on how it is being in an unhappy relationship. The main character Darla is a young woman, and even though we aren’t told her age, based on the quotes: “Darla herself, just older than the couple” and “now they were in year four”, I would conclude that the other couple are in their mid-twenties which I take to mean that she is in her late twenties. Darla doesn’t want kids, which is one of the minor themes in the short …show more content…

He describes how the two couples are growing from each other and how Darla and Trevor eventually end up together since they are both trying to escape their

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