
Essay Against Lowering The Drinking Age

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Drinking alcohol is a privilege,but it should be a right of an adult citizen.Thousands of people abuse it everywhere, but that doesn’t mean we should limit all adults from drinking because that's not reasonable for the people that won’t exploit that opportunity. I have a strong view that if you are 18 you are considered an adult so shouldn’t you be able to have all the rights and responsibilities associated with adulthood. If you’re considered an adult at 18 shouldn't you be old enough to purchase alcohol? Having a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) hasn’t prevented teenage drinking. Drinking also has it’s health benefits. In 115 countries the drinking age is 18 or younger. In France, the drinking age is 16 so, teenagers can drink beer and wine.The MLDA in the U.K. is 18. There were 220 drunk driving accidents in 2015 in the U.K. The same year there was 10,265 deaths due to drunk driving in the U.S. Some people believe that alcohol is bad for you no matter what. According to the Mayo Clinic a moderate consumption of alcohol actually has some benefits that can help you. It can boost your memory and …show more content…

There are fewer drunk driving fatalities in many countries with a MLDA of 18. MLDA represents minimum legal drinking age. The MLDA is different depending on the country you’re in. Some countries don’t even have an MLDA because they have outlawed alcohol. MLDA 18 isn't effective because the majority of teens continues to consume alcohol. It´s mortifying to think of but there are so many teens that drink underage. MLDA 21 is not statistically associated with lower rates of suicide, homicide, or vandalism. Lowering MLDA 21 would be good for the economy because then more people could drink in bars and revenue would increase for private business owners.Alcohol doesn't always have to result in someone going to jail, the hospital, or the morgue. All you need is to know whether you're sober, tipsy, or

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