
Legal Drinking Age In The Untied States

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The legal drinking age in the Untied States is 21. However, the legal drinking age wasn’t always 21 in the United States. Not until Congress passed the National Minimum drinking Age Act in 1984. This law basically stated that if a state lowers its legal drinking age below 21, Congress would take 10 percent of the state’s federal highway funds. With this law in affect, by 1988 all states had set the legal drinking age to 21. In my opinion, if the Untied States would legalize the drinking age to 18, there would be less drunk teens because they wouldn’t abuse alcohol the minute they get a moment too. All citizens already know that 18 year olds drink behind our backs. Michelle Minton stated that ‘’A 2009 study by the National Institute on Drug …show more content…

Parties include underage drinking, with that being said, they abuse the amount of alcohol because they’re not old enough to buy it themselves. It does more harm then good. Teenagers end up driving back home drunk and getting into car accidents. If the drinking age were lowered to 18, we wouldn’t have as many problems. There would still be parties and drinking but you could rest your head a little knowing that they have freedom to drink and that freedom will not let them abuse drinking. Minton quoted ‘’ However, the data indicate that the 21- minimum drinking age has not only done zero good, it may have done harm. ‘’ When any of us are told we aren’t allowed to do something, that’s when we want to do it even more.
Turning 18 brings you a step closer to adulthood. It prepares you for the years coming. Minton said that ‘’ In addition, an individual legally enjoys nearly all other rights of adulthood upon turning 18- including the rights to vote, get married and sign contracts. ‘’ You are already doing so much why should the privilege of drinking be held back? It only makes teenagers curious for something they can’t have.
In the end, I believe that if the United States view 18 year- olds as adults when it comes to voting and marriage, then they should be viewed as adults when it comes to drinking too. If 18 year olds are allowed to put their lives at risk for our nation, then why shouldn’t they be viewed as old enough to buy and enjoy

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