
Essay Comparing Luhrman's Romeo And Juliet

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Baz Luhrman’s Romeo +Juliet is a modernised version of the famous play by Shakespeare also called Romeo and Juliet. The story follows the life of two “star-crossed lovers” and their struggle to come together because of the feud between the Montague and the Capulet families. Throughout the movie important settings such as the pool(the modernised version of the balcony scene), the church where Romeo and Juliet marry and finally the setting inside the church where the infamous double suicide takes place. These settings help the viewer to understand the idea of their love being pure and exciting by modernising it from the original play, showcasing the importance Verona Beach and Romeo and Juliet gave religion in their love and finally their quest …show more content…

Luhrmann has used symbols of Jesus Statue, dialogue, music, aerial shot and montage to show the viewer the sacrifice they have had to make to stay together because of society’s disapproval. After a daring car chase between the police and Romeo he enters the church to find his love ‘dead’ in St Peter’s church. As he enters the church all music and sound is cut out. This was intentionally done to emphasize the tense situation and the need to create a more somber environment for the lovers to be in. Gives the audience a clear understanding of how much society is trying to keep both Romeo and Juliet apart. Luhrmann then cleverly showcases the Jesus statue with outstretched arms, to furthermore emphasize on the need for the lovers to sacrifice themselves like Jesus sacrificed himself thus Jesus acts as a symbol of their love. Luhrmann then takes the music- Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde, starts quietly gets louder as Romeo gets to Juliet’s body. The music is haunting as it builds up as he gets closer to his fate (love) and seeing her in the death bed. The irony of this is that both Tristan and Isolde are also doomed lovers that came to life through the french medieval poetry not surprisingly they were also separated because of their society.This suits the setting and the story of Romeo and …show more content…

followed the life of two “star crossed lovers” and their struggle to come together because of the feud between the montague and the capulet families.Throughout the movie important setting are put in place like,the pool(the modernised version of the balcony scene),the church where Romeo and Juliet marries and finally the infamous double suicide. These settings help the viewer understand idea of their love being pure and exciting by modernising it from the original play, showcasing the importance Verona Beach and Romeo and Juliet gave religion in their love and finally their quest to stay together despite the society's disapproval of their love. Even though Centuries has past since the original play was first released, Luhrmann proves that love is an emotion that has no barriers and all generation can indulge into the life of the greatest couple ever lived, Romeo and

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