
Essay Death in Gaza

Decent Essays

With Israel receiving three billion dollars in aid annually from the United States of America, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an issue that is relevant to life in the U.S. However, to many it is no more than a distant battle fought in a land few will ever see. The documentary film Death in Gaza attempts to humanize the conflict through the everyday lives and voices of young children living in the war-stricken area. While the documentary is relatively one-sided, showing only the Palestinian viewpoint, it does serve the purpose of shedding light and interest on an issue that is unimaginable to those not living in the region, yet is fought and survived by people no different than ourselves. The documentary begins by showing the …show more content…

These are children who have seen so many friends and relatives lose their lives in the battle for an independent Palestine that death is an everyday aspect of life. Funerals are as common to these children as mealtimes in other countries. The streets are lined with pictures of the deceased, or martyrs as the Palestinians call them. In fact, these deaths are no longer mourned, but rather celebrated as furthering of the cause, so much so that children look forward to martyrdom. Many have already written letters to their families in case they are killed, including a boy, Abdul Sattar, who is only eleven years old. Others quickly join Palestinian insurgent groups and militias, acting as lookouts and assembling hand grenades when they are not throwing stones at Israeli tanks and bulldozers. Despite the vivid and brutal scenes of Gaza the film captures, the documentary delves into a much deeper issue, the mentality of these children. It is surprising to see that these children can speak with an innocence so characteristic of childhood about things such as friends and school, but in only seconds can exude developed, adult hatred and abhorrence towards Israelis. One of the boys, only twelve years old, tells the interviewer that he hates fighting and wants to be friends with everyone, the way he is with his best friend, except with the Jews. This mentality is blatantly obvious in a young girl named Ayyah, who is no more than

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