
Essay On Abortion Permissible

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I will argue that abortion is permissible in all stages of the pregnancy before birth. Abortion should be permissible based on moral, health and women rights reasons. Abortion is an operation or procedure to terminate pregnancy before the fetus is viable. Pro-Choice argues that the choice to whether to have or not have an abortion is a woman’s right to choose, while Pro-Life argues that women should have the choice to her body, while Pro-Life argues abortion is impermissible.

Morally, there can be no denying that abortion should be permissible. Even though many argue that abortion is murder, and as a result is morally reprehensible; but this is simply not true. First and foremost, a fetus is not a human being. Unlike a human being, a …show more content…

A fetus is a human being once fertilization happens. Lastly, despite the mother's circumstances it shouldn’t stop a “life”. There are alternative things she can do after giving birth such as giving the baby up for adoption.

From a pro-choice stand point you can rebuttal against these pro-life claims that argues abortion is immoral. To start a fetus cannot feel pain. According to studies an embryo doesn’t feel pain during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The cortex which is located in the cerebrum is responsible for processing different types of sensory information, and doesn’t begin to form until the 26th week of the pregnancy. Without it a fetus can’t sense anything. Also, during experiments to see if a fetus can feel pain they usually show that the fetus flinches when poked. This can just be a reflex and not pain at all. There is no real evidence showing that a fetus can feel pain. Moreover, during fertilization a fetus is not a human being. As mentioned earlier a human being would be someone that can survive on it’s own outside of a human beings body. Finally, there are many factors that can lead a mother to want or needing to terminate the pregnancy ranging from health to economical reasons. One can give the baby up for adoption however she would have to endure 9 months of emotional, physical, and psychological pain. Since the fetus is not a human being it does not have rights. A mother is a human being that has rights. Therefore the mother's rights trump

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