
Essay On Abortion Should Remain Legal

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The debate over abortion started on January 22nd, 1973. Abortion was declared a fundamental right by the supreme court; the decision on Roe vs. Wade was 7 to 2. In the U.S. various states have restrictions on abortion but it is currently legal. Should abortion remain legal? Yes, abortion should remain a legal right because: women need reproductive rights, it’s not murder, and legal abortion is safe.

Forcing a woman to have a child is a crime in my opinion. A person should be able to determine their own future even if it requires an abortion. New life is a beautiful thing, but so is the life of an adult. Having a child is a life changing event with many factors. If a woman feels she is unfit to have a child she should have the right to terminate her pregnancy.

Women need reproductive rights for many reasons. Women who are denied abortions are more likely to suffer from mental health problems than a woman who receives an abortion. It gives pregnant women a choice to not bring abnormal babies to full term. A study done by the University of California at San Francisco found that, “women turned away from abortion clinics (because they had passed gestational limit imposed by the …show more content…

Many people are against abortion for various reasons but a common issue is religion. In the Christian bible it is interpreted that abortion is wrong. Christianity is a very common religion is the U.S., about 83% of Americans identify as christians. (Gary Langer) For example “thou shalt not kill” is one of the 10 commandments. Abortion is considered murder by many because of the belief that a fetus is a human once conceived. The bible also explains that, “the shedding of innocent blood” is banned, expresses that god has special provisions for the weakest and most helpless, and it is the right of the maker to give and take human life. (John Piper) There are many excerpts from the bible that explain that what is later defined as abortion is

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