
Essay On Australia Export Live Cattle For Slaughter

Decent Essays

A) Should Australia export live cattle for slaughter?
Arguments for:
• Benefits the economy, supports thousands of Australian jobs and is helping to provide protein to some of the world’s poorest people across Asia and the Middle East. Australia’s beef cattle exports are wroth $1.35 billion and the sector employs more than 10,000 people, including many Indigenous Australians.
• Animal welfare conditions overseas would decline if Australian stopped exporting livestock. Australia is the only country in the world that actively works in overseas markets to improve animal welfare conditions. Approximately 95% of Australian cattle in Indonesia are now stunned pre-slaughter, up from less than 10% in 2011.
• Animal welfare conditions overseas …show more content…

The practicality and variability associated with this profession will be intellectually challenging. However, I enjoy and am driven by challenging problems. Growing up, I noticed how our pets truly enhance our lives. They are an antidote for our loneliness, enrich our joys, and teach us about loyalty and love. Eventually, I became attracted towards medicine and animals. It wasn’t just because I’m interested in the health and welfare of animals, it was also able because I communicate well with people.
I am passionate about ensuring animal wellbeing, have a strong aptitude for scientific study (having chosen to study all three sciences; biology, physics and chemistry in high school) and am up to the challenge of dealing with all kinds of creatures, especially farm livestock and horses, companion animals and wildlife in rural and regional communities. The variety of animals I encountered at two local vets and at RDA Australia: a baby brushtail possum, wallaby, red-tailed black cockatoo, lorikeet, rabbit, dogs, cats and horses helped me determine where my interests lie. I am interested in everything from preventative care to psychological analysis and complex surgical procedures with emphasis placed on commitment to farm animal production to address the current shortage of rural veterinarians.
As a student of the veterinary science program at CSU will undergo specialist training in veterinary science and its associated disciplines, I can

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