
Essay On Banning Books

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Books offer a place to get away from all of the parents, teachers and school work. But some schools are banning some of the books. Parents aren’t happy on some of the books that the teachers are picking to read in class. Like Of Mice and Men for example. So, some parents are trying to get those books banned in their schools. The kids should be able to read what they want to even if their parents don’t agree with what they think.
There are jobs where people only look for ways to ban books, censors. “Censors will do anything if they don’t like the message the book, movie or article says” (Rushdie). Censors want books to be banned because they don’t like what the books say about topics that they are written about. Since they don’t like what the books has, they try to find any way to get the book banned. Other people find valid reasons for the banning of books other than the writer is being accused of witchcraft. Even some artists are being censored because of what these censors think. These censors would ban books if “It challenges, questions, overturns assumptions, unsettles moral codes, disrespects sacred cows or other such entities” (Rushdie). They use everything they can just to get a book banned. They will use moral codes even some …show more content…

Some people want books to be banned for the treatment of women in some of the books, like Of Mice and Men. “Steinbeck takes opportunities to bring the concept of euthanasia, or mercy killing, into the plot of the narrative” (Nagelsen). Others, like Nagelsen, want books to be banned because of what the story has the plot to be, they feel like books shouldn’t have killing in the plot because it’s too dark for some people to handle. Most parents would ban books this way because they don’t want their kids reading something that has a lot of death involved in the narrative. Then parents would take their opinions to the people who can do something about it, like the

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