
Essay On Best Practice To Implement

Decent Essays

I am on a team in my workplace where I am looking for new best practices to implement. This best new practice would be implemented within several steps throughout the workplace, and each workplace is different and has their own set of steps. I would look at the policies and procedures within my workplace to see what specific policies are in place right now for the change that I would like to bring about. In this assignment I will be talking about my best new practice, what steps are going to be implemented in changing it, and what policies are already in place regarding the new practice.
Best Practice to Implement
When working on the team within my workplace that looks at policies that could be changed based on evidence based practice, I have decided that we could change the way that staffing and patient ratios are decided. According to LoBiondo-Wood & Haber …show more content…

This is important because all nurses want to give the best care they can. Campaigners have launched a website to increase the support for patient-nurse ratios to be mandated due to the amount of patient loads that some nurses are taking, and they are decreasing patients care within the process (Campaigners, 2013). Having an increase in staff with a higher number of patients can help increase the patient’s safety within the care that they are receiving. The more patients that nurses have, the less care that those patients will receive at a given time, because the nurses can become burnt out on the amount of care that they must provide, within a limited amount of time. According to Hill (2017), there are many nurse shortages, which leads to decreased patient care and decreased good outcomes when it involves patient care. Having an increased staff helps prevent unfavorable outcomes when it comes to patient care. Less patients per nurse ratio lead to favorable

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