
Essay On Black Live Matter Vs Rights Of Man

Decent Essays

Black Live Matter vs Rights of Man Democracy is an idea that was spread throughout the world as time went on. Democracy is even used today. It is how our country is formed today. Two documents that share democratic ideals are The Black Lives Matter manifesto and the Declaration Rights of Man. They both share similar ideas, which is Value of Individuals, and Consent of the Governed. The Black Lives Matter manifesto is a document where black people ask for basic human rights. They believe they are being discriminated against, and are being treated unfairly. So, they created this document with a list of rights they want to have. These are ways of showing democratic ideas. One way they show democratic ideals is Value of Individual. Value of individual is the idea that everyone is born and created equal. Aside from their gender and or race. In the document, it states that they want: “A constitutional right at the state and federal level to a fully-funded education, which includes a clear articulation of the right to: a free education …show more content…

They believed that they were being treated unfairly. The Democratic ideas shown in this document is the ideas similar to The Black Lives Matter Manifesto. Which is Value of Individual and Consent of the Governed. The first example shown in the Declaration of the Rights of Man is Value of Individual. In this document it states in Demand one: “Men are born free and remain free in equal rights. Social distinction may be founded only upon the general good.” This means that everyone is born and created equal. Another democratic idea expressed in this document is Consent of the Governed. In this document it states: “As all persons are held innocent until they shall have been declared guilty.” This means that they can only be arrested if it fits the crime and that’s when they will be prosecuted. Now what do these documents have in

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