
Essay On Brazil Economy

Decent Essays

Brazilian Economy

For my Latin American country I chose Brazil.

The Labor force in this country varies by occupation. The main three occupations, according to the CIA World Factbook, are agriculture, services, and industry.

Some import commodities are machinery, electrical and transport equipment, chemical products, oil, automotive parts, and electronics. Here are some of the trading partners:

Some export commodities are transport equipment, iron ore, soybeans, footwear, coffee, and automobiles. Here are some of the trading partners:

Panama Canal
In 1902 the US senate voted in favor of the Panama Canal. After Panama declared independence in 1903, the plans for the Panama Canal were put into place. Construction of the …show more content…

They are mainly Spanish, Portuguese, and African. This is because explorers from Spain and Portugal mostly took over the language and land of the indigenous peoples. The mix of these native languages and the European languages created unique languages used by some Mulattoes. The mix also created unique religions like Vodou, music like salsa, and dance like rumba. Most Mulattoes live in Brazil. The population of Brazil is actually 39.1% Mulatto. However, countries like Argentina and Mexico have almost no Mulattoes.
European explorers did not bring women with them to Latin America, so there were many relationships between the male explorers and the female natives. This began shortly after the Europeans arrived. The intermixing of two races created Mestizos and made up most of the population in half the countries in Latin America. Their population reaches a high of 91% in El Salvador, but Caribbean countries have almost no presence of Mestizos. Many Mestizos celebrate a tradition called the Posada. This is a re-enactment of Mary going door to door in Jerusalem seeking shelter. This takes place around Christmas time.
Also called Native Americans, Amerindians were the first to live in this part of the world, making them the indigenous population. They moved here around 8000 B.C., but because of immigration, they are now the minority in most Latin American countries. The Amerindian population suffered a threatening decline in

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