
Essay On Cameroon And The U. S Decision : The Anglophones Needs The U. N To Save Lives

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Cameroon and the U.Ns Decision – The Anglophones Needs the U.N to Save Lives
Cameroon as it stands in 2017 is a country in Central West Africa the size of Texas, U.S.A. It is claiming to be a bilingual country that speaks French and English, but current history has proven that the English Cameroonians feel marginalized by the over populated French Cameroonians. English Cameroonians belief they should be called Southern Cameroon (Ambazonias) and should be given a separate country from the French Cameroonians who should be called La Republic du Cameroon. There have been times when the English and French Cameroons forget their differences and live as one; likewise, there have been times when the country finds no peace due to their difference …show more content…

The name was still Cameroes as people settle from Nigeria and different part of the world, as the Dutch establish connection with the rural chiefs and encourage slave trade, and after slave trade dies in 1858, Britain was never interested in Cameroes because they had their mind set to develop Nigeria. They are reluctant in making Cameroon a British protectorate. As A result of this hesitation the Germans “wins” the territory (Crawfurd 1996 - 2017). When the Germans settled, they changed the name from Cameroes to Kamerun, as they will pronounce it in their language. In 1886, The European colonial powers divide Africa between them at a Conference in Berlin. The Europeans agree to the new borders for the entire Africa continent. The borders are drawn without considering differences in culture and language for the inhabitants (Crawfurd 1996 - 2017). The Germans had used brutality and forced labor to develop Kamerun, at least if you go to Cameroon today, you will still find those structure. If you asked most Cameroonians today, they will testify to you that the Germans structure (railroad, schools and hospitals) are still the strongest in Cameroon, which agree to the fact that Cameroon development haven’t changed much since after the Germans left Cameroon. How did we get to a country whose development doest change is something interesting to find out?
Unfortunately, in 1916 World War 1 breaks out

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