
Essay On Career Trends

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Part 2: State of the Economy Requirements No matter the state of the economy, teachers will always be in high demand.
According Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment kindergarten and elementary school teachers is projected to grow 6 percent from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Growth is expected because of projected increases in student enrollment. However, employment growth will vary by region. According Bureau of Labor Statistics to the between 2012 and 2022, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the best of the bunch will produce those openings at a percentage rate that's faster than 10.8 percent, the average for all occupations. The BLS estimates total employment will increase by 15.6 …show more content…

Data and information management is a huge growth area. But it's not just data management creating new job opportunities, its gathering, analyzing, storing and securing the data as well.
Research and design managers, particularly in engineering
Increased automation is the result of a need to reduce cost, which in turn is driven by a company's need to become more competitive and grow market share -- a trend accelerated by pressures felt by the difficult economic situation.
These improved efficiencies support profitability and overall business growth, which spur recruitment demands. In the United Kingdom alone, manufacturing output growth is projected to average around 2.5% per annum, with particular growth in R&D-related industries, such as parts of chemicals and engineering.
Computer programmers and network administrators
One key misperception among industry watchers is that technology advancements results largely in the death of career opportunities. This is simply not the case. Instead of killing jobs, technological advances are changing the nature of the roles available. Computer programmers and network administrators are just two examples of roles in the IT sector that are seeing significant growth across the globe.
Medical assistants there have been significant changes in the management of healthcare services, both in the United States and across Europe. As a result, more middle management positions have become

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