
Career Change Essay

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According to Mondy and Noe (2005), career is a job that has been chosen to be accomplished during one’s working life. Career is the progress and actions of the person’s occupations or sequence of jobs held by someone throughout a lifetime which is until that person end up the careers. Most of the situations, people do not just referring to one position only but often looking for another jobs which composed of the jobs held, titles earned and work accomplished over a long period of time. There is an increasing trend to employees changing jobs more frequently, while employees in some cultures and economies stay with one job during their career. For example, an individual's career could involve being an engineer, though the …show more content…

However, based on all of the stages been discussed earlier, people in the mid-forties to mid-fifties are at a different stage in their career and life than people that is at age 25 or 45. A career change after age 40 can be a tricky situation. In this stage, people will decide whether to continue along the same track because it is comfortable familiar and secure or change into the other career since there is an opportunity to pursue new personal or professional goals. This stage is called as middle career years or mid-career change. According to OUM textbook, mid-career means re-appraise early career and early adulthood, reaffirm or modify goals, make choices appropriate to middle adult years and remain productive. Mid-career is a time in which one is more likely to consider leaving a current job in order to take work in an organization that might indicate promise of greater career fulfillment or address a need for increased salary or benefits, intrinsic and extrinsic (WordWeb).
After 40, many people begin to look at life differently which they often begin to feel that life really is too short to be stuck in a dead-end or unsatisfying job. In this middle age situation, it is a time in which adults take on new responsibilities at the workplace and therefore, people of this age often feel a need to reappraise previous life structures with an

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