
Essay On Civil Disobedience

Decent Essays

Civil disobedience is quite arguably a touchy subject. When thinking about civil disobedience, this first thing that comes to mind is very opinionated, personal politics, the second thing is peaceful protesting, and finally I think about the kind of leader it takes to make disobeying the law worthwhile. As Americans we are fully entitled to our opinions and beliefs, however, I believe forcing these beliefs onto others is wholly unacceptable. I do believe, though, that voicing your opinion is completely fine as long as bystanders are left to listen or view at their own will. Often times, enemies are made between people with different ideas and beliefs, and frustration and aggravation are naturalistic responses to these kinds of altercations. This is one thing that can prove to be …show more content…

When no one life is at risk, and if there is no destruction of property due to another person’s actions and disobedience of the law, I believe one has the right to express themselves. Peaceful protests such as sit-ins and marches have proven to send messages that have echoed throughout the nation. Although the masses of people that are attracted to protests such as these I feel have varying motives. One such example being that recently there were millions of women marching across the world on behalf of their rights. However, a teacher of mine’s sister happened to be in DC at the time, and when she asked a few of the women marching exactly what they were marching for, she never got a straight answer. People would say to her “You just don’t get it, do you?” or simply roll their eyes, and although this protest was peaceful I felt many of the voices echoing throughout the nation were hollow and just a part of the

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