
Essay On Civil Disobedience

Decent Essays

Civil Disobedience This is a topic that we should all know about it is a type of peaceful protest. More on the non-peaceful side because they punish us for protesting. In America we are guaranteed the right to protest without being harmed or mess with in anyway. This can relate to an incident that is going on in America today with the neo-nazi and KKK protesting white lives matter. Even if you do not believe in what they are marching for they do not gives us the right to harm them in anyway or for them to harm us in anyway. That is protected by our first amendment right but it is getting violated as we speak and was getting violated fifty years ago. Climate Justice is basically what the two words say it is, so in other words the weather is serving justice for us instead of us. Like the hurricanes that we got this year I think it was 4 bad hurricanes. This idea of climate justice is that these big company’s burn so much coal and spill so much oil and build so many plants it is just ruining our climate. Civil disobedience relates to this is many ways you can protest for clean and better working for your company or strike on your company there’s many ways to fight this we just got to come together and get this done, but it is going to take all of us to do it. One person cannot try to save the planet by their selves it is movement. Henry David Thoreau is one the first people to ever talk about civil disobedience in 1849. Which was a very long time ago so think about that it

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