
Essay On College Debt

Decent Essays

“61 percent of new students at Harvard Law School last year had received their bachelor’s degrees outside of Ivy League” (Steinberg, Jacques 15). Still in this world their are college graduates that are highly in debt in college tuition and in college dept. College debt is a huge problem in today’s society for example student loans put college graduates in a deeper hole in college debt making it more difficult for grads to get out of their debt. Considering this problem college debt has many solutions to avoiding college debt like scholarships, attending community colleges and working and saving money so that college debt won’t be that high making future life difficult for these college graduates. Everyone has the ability in being successful in life but there are sacrifices that will have to be made. However they have to look for options to whatever …show more content…

College debt is not everyone's best friend, but there are many solutions to solving college debt such as attending community colleges. By attending community college it will definitely make a difference by comparing the price of college tuition in a community college versus a university. This is a national problem for teens wanting to go to college and young adults that are considering college in their future, but by the balance of the federal student loans nationwide which is $902 billion, and also by including around $140 billion in private student loans (Martin, Andrew, and Andrew W. Lehren). Student loans is a major problem and in solving that problem it can be prevented by attending community colleges or maybe even by attending a community college for two years making the cost of a university not that expensive. By this alternative the college debt of the college grad would definitely not be that high because better chances were taken into

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