
Essay On Communist Manifesto

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The Communist Manifesto may be a merely ?? pages, but it sure packs a lot of punch for such a small book. The main purpose of the Communist Manifesto was to convey the teachings of communism. The Communist Manifesto seems like a weekend project for a couple of “power fighting”, rebellious, and controversial citizens, but it still paved the way for modern day communism. By “power fighting”, rebellious, and controversial citizens, I mean Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels . The Communist Manifesto is more like a pamphlet people on bikes that show up at your doorstep would give you, rather than a book. It basically states who they (Communists) are and what they believe in. So, what do communists believe in exactly? Great question! Communism is just a form of socialism. What is socialism? Another great question! Socialism is a way of running a society where all businesses are socially owned(kind of makes since why it's called socialism.). Democracy is a free enterprise, meaning anyone can start a new business and grow it to be a billion dollar company. Thats why a lot of billion dollar companies are companies started and ran from within the U.S. Companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Exxon, and many more are all companies started and raised in the U.S. Makes you proud to be American. Okay, now back to the book, I mean pamphlet. …show more content…

Let's first start with new vocabulary. Bourgeoisie and Proletariat are words similar to aristocrat and serf. The bourgeoisie is the leading power of a society that has power thanks to its mass amount of property. There powerful for owning land. That sounds like someone familiar. Heres a hint. He’s is running for office in 2016. Has a funny haircut. I’m bad at giving hints so your probably didn't guess right, it was Donald Trump. I guess the funny haircut thing was pretty spot on though. The proletariat was the lower class, I wonder if they ever heard “You’re fired”? Probably

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