
Destroying The Planet: A Short Story

Decent Essays

A week had passed since the Defense team had come up with the plan to stop the asteroid from destroying the planet. The plan was in its final stages and was being refined. In just one week the US military was going to launch initial nuclear missiles at the asteroid to reduce its size if possible and create a landing site. A team of astronauts was to board a shuttle and use a rover with a drill modified from the type used to drill for oil. The team would have to drill hundreds of meters and detonate a nuclear warhead inside the hole and split the asteroid. The dangerous fragments would then be deflected away from earth with more missiles while any of the smaller bits of rock would burn up in Earth’s atmosphere. Nothing like this had ever …show more content…

“We also have to start modifying their space suits, we’re launching nuclear missiles as well as whatever radiation is coming from the sun. And we have to make sure whatever debris flies off the face of asteroid won’t puncture the suits,” Jake said in one breath. “So it sounds like everything’s going great! …Except for the huge death rock coming right at us in about three weeks,” Jeremy quipped. Everyone gave him a cold stare and silently left the room. “…Okay… I guess it wasn’t that funny…” he whispered faintly to himself.

With only two weeks before the day of impact, the military was ready to play its part and locked on to the asteroid, ready to unleash the most powerful weapons invented on the rock. With a press of the button, the missiles flying straight through the atmosphere into space. They traveled the three hundred miles in minutes, passing through all five layers with ease. They left the nitrogen and oxygen filled air for the coldness of space to blow rubble off the asteroid. With a silent explosion the missiles crashed into the asteroid, blowing chucks of iron and other metals and rock away. However, it would take time for the team to learn of the impact, so they would not be able to assess the effectiveness till later. The public had been told only of that there was a practice test of a new rocket system designed by NASA in order to avoid any panic. The team received data that the explosions caused by the missiles created a suitable crater

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