
Essay On Doctor Prescribing Pills

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Doctors prescribing pills for the wrong reasons in the United States

Each and every time you have gone to the doctors and told them you have a problem, Without a second thought, they will usually go straight to trying to prescribe you some type of pill. The average patient would trust their Doctor and most likely take whatever pill they are prescribed. Now imagine if the pill you were prescribed had many bad side effects, and in the long run made the problem you went to the doctors for in the first place even worse. Unfortunately that is exactly what is happening right now in the United States. Most of these pharmaceutical drugs being prescribed have terrible chemicals that cause myriad amounts of side effects, and lifelong problems that …show more content…

The imbalance in a patient's brain created by these medicines, rather than scaring them away from doctors tends to brings them even closer. The patient will experience more and or different problems, leading to more prescriptions, and more money being put into insurance and pharmaceutical companies pockets.

Americans have become so dependent on the thought of some drug helping them get by day to day life. They have been conditioned to think taking so many pills is a normal thing to be doing, when in fact it’s not. In other countries such as the UK doctors are much more cautious about prescribing any benzo because they are aware of the long term effects. They use them more for procedures to calm the patient, as they should be used

A solution for this continuously growing problem is more than necessary, but unfortunately almost impossible without cooperation and effort from all parties involved . Doctors and pharmaceutical companies must go back to the drawing board and start from scratch. A completely new approach is necessary when handling people's problems. The new concern must

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