
Essay On Encephalitis

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Encephalitis, also known as inflammation of the brain is a rare condition that causes an irritation, swelling of the brain and in most cases nerve damage. Viral and bacterial encephalitis can easily be mistaken as the flu with shocking long-term effects. In many cases, encephalitis does not last long and has a mild effect. “However, in some cases encephalitis can be life-threatening. About 10,000 to 20,000 cases of encephalitis are reported each year in the United States” (Ehrlich, 2014). There are two types of encephalitis that can infect the brain cells known as primary and secondary encephalitis. Primary encephalitis is when the viruses attack the brain through the blood stream and into the nerve cells; it is then grouped together and multiplies. After multiplying, it is spread throughout the brain. Secondary encephalitis is when the virus infects a person by first infecting the other tissues in the body and then attacks the brain. “Viruses that are transmitted from other tissues usually cause focal infection, meaning they produce extensive damage in only a small area of the brain” (Simon, 2014). Infants, children, and older adults are more likely to have severe cases because …show more content…

They usually resolve themselves within 1-2 weeks with no specific treatment required. “Even when treatment is successful and patients survive apparently intact, in many cases the family say that the person they took home with them is not the same as the one they brought to hospital, with changes in personality, irritability, and poor short-term memory” (Solomon, Hart, & Beeching, 2007). In some cases, swelling of the brain can lead to permanent brain damage and lasting complications like learning disabilities, speech problems, memory loss, or lack of muscle control. Many people who get encephalitis often change from this condition and supportive care such as therapy for physical and speech may be needed in these

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