
Essay On Foster Care

Satisfactory Essays

Foster care is a big problem in america. In America, many Americans never think about our foster care system. Most families have not had to think about foster care or what would happen if their child got placed in it. Foster care is when a child is temporarily placed with another family due to certain circumstances. A child could have been abused, neglected, or could have not been able to stay with a parent because of personal issues (having to serve jail time or having to go to a drug helpment center). Normally the child parents are sick, alcohol or drug abusers, or unable to take care of them self neverless a child. There is one thing that people need to realize is that these children deserve good homes. Most of the children being placed into homes have not done anything to deserve what they are going through. They deserve people to love them and take care of them. Thats whats the foster system is for. To make sure that if something goes wrong or happens in your previous home that a new family is ready to help and provide care and support. People who want them and will be kind and …show more content…

The foster care system is to make sure that each child is cared for and looked after. Becoming a foster parent is a long journey but it's worth it in the long run. To become a foster parent you need to undergo these steps: “you’ll need a foster license, training, and home set up. But one of the most important aspects of preparation is the emotional side.” (Bank, 2018). One of the most important tips to becoming a foster parent is to be emotionally prepared for it. You want to make sure that you’re emotionally ready and stable when your child gets there so they know that you’re ready to become a big part of their lives and their hero. By taking in one foster child you’re helping all of the children in the foster system. Your giving them hope that one day someone will give them a home and love that they

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