
Essay On Free Health Insurance

Decent Essays

Is Free Health Insurance Worth The Process?

It seems like overnight I was left without health insurance because I was over the age to still be covered, but also I was a full-time student with no income being told that my income exceeded over the limit. I begin to get frustrated as time went on because I couldn’t afford any health coverage, but if I was to start working money out of my checks would be taken out for Medicaid. What I didn’t understand is how was I being denied coverage that I would be paying for. Medicaid seems to cut off people once they were of the age that no longer could be covered under their parent, didn’t meet the income requirements, or even make changes that anyone would be aware of until it has been too late. I …show more content…

The household income for 2 is $21,000 according to “New Jersey Medicaid Program.” - Your Path to Government Benefits, www. -details/1314, but it states that the requirements go off by income before taxes but during the time when I applied my mom fell under that amount before taxes so that was really an issue for me. Medicaid sets up financially levels for different family groups which don’t need to be the same, but the requirements for household sizes are all the same for everyone. This program provides different levels of health insurance coverage, that covers doctor visits, hospital expenses, and any home care that’s needed, to my understanding that would all medical insurance should cover especially is its free from the state. So it’s understandable on why there are income limits, but even though people make over a certain amount they also have other needs to take care of also every paycheck a cost for Medicaid is taken out of the check which should be fair enough that the individual should qualify for coverage if it ever became a time that they would have to apply for it. I understand that this program is run by the federal state and the actions behind it change every year to control who really needs the insurance or not, but as stated before I believe that everyone should be notified as soon as changes have

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