
Essay On Getting Rid Of Technology

Decent Essays

Can anyone imagine a factory rid of workers and filled with robots? In the course of the next few decades it may be possible and technology replacing the jobs of hardworking people in the U.S. is an all-around controversial topic. Eventually, it will be an epidemic that will need to be resolved in the near future. Even though it may seem impossible, the age of new technology and no humans is coming. Replacement of humans in the working industry has been an issue for a while, starting from when the industrial revolution came about. Countless people worry about having to lose their jobs to a new piece of machinery which can do the job better and more efficiently and in most cases the jobs that would be replaced would be easy and repetitive jobs. Author Rachel Nuwer wrote an article for BBC, which was about …show more content…

Previously mentioned Rachel Nuwer states “… demand is steeply growing for highly skilled, highly educated workers, but precipitously declining for those with low to moderate income” Many experts are saying that people with education that isn’t over the top or exemplary can lead to jobs that can be easily eliminated. Author Zaynep Tufekci writes in his article, “The Machines Are Coming” for the New York Times, where he states, and “Our normal response to technological innovation that threatens jobs is to encourage workers to acquire more skills…” He is stating that now a person has to go out of his/her way to gain more skills just because their job is being eliminated because it was too easy. If a worker is just doing their job on an assembly line, then he/she can easily be replaced by a robot. Other jobs that fall into this category are factory workers, cashiers, mechanics, people who work at tolls and jobs that have to do with taking care of inventory. All these jobs require a basic skill and some not

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