
Essay On Gold Can Stay By Robert Frost

Decent Essays

Robert Frost sees the world realistically. His views on life aren’t dreams, but they are truths of the world. Having analyzed these three poems, I believe Frost has a rooted stance on life. Realistic and logical. He gives you what every human being is searching for in life. Truth. It may not be what is desired but it’s real. His poems reflect the inner self and a steady hand on reality that many people have lost touch with.
Nothing Gold Can Stay reflects this idea within the lines. To summarize it quickly: Nature is as beautiful as gold, and this beauty is hard to keep. The leaves are like flowers, however, they fade as quickly as they formed. Then leaf falls on leaf and the beauty is lost forever. That thing happened to Eden when the apple was eaten. Yet life goes on. Therefore all beauty will subside eventually, and the world will continue to turn. Frost has said all beauty will vanish at some point, and nothing will change because beauty will always be reborn or found elsewhere. His ideas that nothing beautiful will last forever is also a reference to the human body. Our bodies are amazing masterpieces that we have not been able to fully duplicate. So, we die off and our beauty fades. However, life goes on. Truth. Read Acquainted with the Night. Frost speaks about how he has walked into problems, only to …show more content…

This poem places the reader directly inside of Frost and the decisions that he has made throughout his life. Ultimately we cannot tell if he regrets his decisions or if he is better off for making them. Or is he just conflicted about choosing an overall emotion because his decisions in life have varied so much? This is extremely similar to the common man’s ideals of how his life could have been altered through a difference in a few choices. This poem discusses the morality of human choices and how it effects our entire lives as well as others. He seems like he has reflected on his life and that he is happy to have made it this

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