
Essay On Gun Laws

Satisfactory Essays

Chase Ramsey
English 9
24 April 2016

Gun control laws in America

On December 14, 2012, 28 students and teachers were shot and killed in an elementary school. If the Gun laws in America were stricter, the man who committed this crime may not have been able to get his hands on a firearm. The gun laws in America are way too lenient. Changing the gun laws to make it harder to obtain a gun would help protect our country and cause death rates to decrease. The Gun laws today make it incredibly easy to purchase a gun. At a licensed gun store,all someone has to do is walk in and fill out some paperwork, then wait for a background check to be ran on themselves.(4). Accorrding to this backround check denies less than 1% of people who take it. This means that out of one hundred million gun buyers only seven hundred thousand people are denied(4). Another way to purchase a gun is through a gun show. Gun shows occur almost weekly around the U.S. At a gun show, no background check is required to purchase a gun(4). This takes away the one true element of protection we have from criminals buying guns. says that “almost all guns used in criminal acts enter circulation …show more content…

Between the dates of 1999 and 2013 there were 464,033 gun deaths(2). Guns also were the leading cause of death in homicides and suicides(2). Making stricter gun laws could prohibit people from owning guns, also making the death rates decrease and prevent homicides and suicide. To purchase a gun in the future you should have to take a strict background test, take classes to get a license, and give reasons why you need a gun. Also, the gun show loophole should be taken away, restricting people the right to buy guns at a gunshow without any checks. According to, “ An average 200 people go to hospitals every day with gunshot wounds. Stricter gun laws could prevent this from happening in the

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