
Essay On Harry Houdini

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Currently, some people are curious about how Harry Houdini passed away. Was his death natural, or did someone want him dead? One possibility of Harry Houdini’s death is that he simply got punched in the stomach. Eric Jill from Snopes writes,
Houdini was fond of explaining to his fans that by tightening his abdominal muscles he could withstand the hardest punches to the midsection a man could deliver, and one day a college student [punched Harry.] The stomach punches caught Houdini by surprise before he had time to prepare himself, however, resulting in a trauma that ruptured his appendix and ultimately caused his death a few weeks later (Jill 1).
According to Snopes, the article states that Houdini was a accident prone person and often refused medical assistance. Before being punched, Harry had a broken ankle and did not get hospitalized. After getting punched, he soon had a fever and severe stomach pains. Soon, it was apparent Harry was not well and he later got rushed to the hospital. The surgeons found Harry had a ruptured appendix and suffering from periodontitis (A disease caused by a ruptured appendix). Sadly, by the time they removed the appendix it was too late and Harry passed away at October 31, 1926, the day of Halloween. Is his death date coincidental?
However this popular claim seems to be a stretch. Jill states, Reported cases … of appendicitis following blunt abdominal trauma are quite rare, …
It’s possible that the onset of Houdini’s appendicitis was

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