
Archetypes In The Kite Runner

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The use of Archetypes in literature is highly prevalent. A common archetype is the saviour archetype, also known as the messianic or Christ-like figure. Usually the protagonist, the Christ-like figure exhibits qualities that parallel that of the biblical Jesus, through characterization, and symbolic actions. There are a few common traits exhibited by this character, including, but not limited to, being self-sacrificing and loyal, manifestations of divine qualities, displaying kindness or forgiveness. With the advent of postmodern literature, authors tend to avoid the theme of resurrection, but rather focus on a symbolic martyr; sacrificing himself for the greater good. Authors frequently and consistently make use of this archetypal figure …show more content…

The novel The Kite Runner is a work of art, worthy of investigation and analysis, not only due to the use of the archetypal savior figure in advising the theme of the novel, but also due to the interesting literary techniques employed by Hosseini, in developing this archetypal figure. The research question allows me to have a greater understanding of the conventional archetypal characters, which opens me up to a new perspective and lens, when viewing all forms of literature. Hosseini incorporation of cultural conventions and hierarchy introduces the complex relationship between Hassan and Amir. Hassan was a member of the Hazara caste; a historically socially, politically and economically oppressed group. In contrast, Amir was a Pashtun, a historically dominant, richer and overall higher caste. The conflict between Hazaras and Pashtuns stems from a difference in religious beliefs. The Hazaras were Shi’a Muslims, whereas Pashtuns were Sunni Muslims. Their conflict regarding the successor to Prophet Muhammed, translated into social, and economic oppression and persecution. “Throughout Afghan History, the Pashtuns [held] the highest influential rank above other ethnic groups, specifically the Hazaras”. Hosseini directly infuses this historical context into the text when Amir found a history book, wherein he learned that “…the Pashtuns…had persecuted and oppressed the

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