
Essay On Health Care

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Prevalence and Predictors of Underinsurance Among Low-Income Adults (2013) by Hema Magge, Howard Cabral, Lewis Kazis and Benjamin Sommer examines low-income adults and compares the rates of underinsurance with those who have public insurance versus private insurance. This research aimed to shift gears from more common research on underinsured middle-income individuals with private insurance to underinsured low income adults with public insurance. To begin measuring the rate of underinsured individuals, they defined underinsured as anyone meeting the following criteria;
“out-of-pocket expenditures greater than 10% of household income or 5% of household income for those with incomes below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). …show more content…

This research proved the significance of socioeconomic factors specifically income on the underinsured, it discussed how socioeconomic factors has affect health care when it is accessed. In Unhealthy and Uninsured: Exploring Racial Differences in Health and Health Insurance Coverage Using a Life Table Approach by James B. Kirby and Toshiko Kaneda, they measure the uninsured by analyzing racial ethnicity between blacks and whites. In addition to this, they wanted to measure how having health insurance would affect the health of the uninsured and how much age and race could affect how healthy they were. This research focuses on age, one of the factors I’ll be analyzing. One might believe that age differences don’t really affect health insurance but that is not the case in this study. One hypothesis they made in this study regarding age disparities was “Insurance coverage differs not only by race but also by age. Among the non-elderly (younger than 65), the proportion of individuals who are uninsured is the lowest in children, increases sharply until age 25, then declines thereafter” (Kirby & Kaneda 2010). This assumption was probably said due to the Affordable Care Act of 2010, that states children could have health coverage from there parent’s plan until they reach the age of 26. Researchers used the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) to have data on mortality rates

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