
Essay On His Prophets

Decent Essays

Once Balaam’s eyes were opened, he fell to his face because he could go no lower than the ground that supported him. It is not uncommon for God to give His prophets their most powerful revelations during moments of extreme rebellion, sin binges, and fatal moves, and not during long fasts, or deep consecrations as some would suspect. Stern rebukes might come by angelic interventions, trances, transportation to the throne room, and divine visions or dreams. Gods’ aim? To keep the prophets from sabotaging their divine destiny. Balaam responded to the sworn-drawn angel with “I have sinned,” as did nine others in scripture--but not all received pardon. Pharaoh uttered “I have sinned” twice during the devastation of his dynasty through …show more content…

But the kind of sorrow the world has •brings [leads to; results in] death. EXB
After the rebuke, God granted him permission to go to Balak, but with the command that he must speak only that which he was bidden by heaven. Two things were at play here. Firstly, the prophet was being given over to his own devises. “But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me. So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels” (Psalms 81:11-12). Secondly, God wanted to prove to Moab and Midian that Israel possessed impenetrable divine protection. Balaam verified this in one of his utterances. “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought” (Numbers 23:23)!
King Balak took the prophet up to a mountainous terrain overlooking the entire Israeli camp west of the Jordan River. Burnt offerings were made upon seven altars at three different locations and, after seeking the word of Lord, Balaam opened his mouth and blessed Israel each time, much to the Balak’s dismay. The first prophecy spoke of Israel’s divine favor, expansion and her distinction as a separate nation. Within this utterance, Balaam revealed his inward intent to curse Israel.
How shall I curse, whom God hath

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