
Essay On Homeless Youth

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The article identifies some key characteristics and experiences that contribute to why there is a growing concern for homeless youth in foster care. I found that the author discussed various types of situation that some youth encounter, for example, the involvement into of street crime, property crime, violent crime, drug crimes; and two general levels of criminal activity. According to the article, it is a growing number of the youths that run away from their placements and decides that they rather live on the streets then reside in a foster home. That article also points out and discusses the increasing rate of youth with mental issues and their mental health plans a big role in decision making for the youth. Noteworthy, the article states that there is a group of youth who struggles with their sexual orientation, which becomes a hurdle in their life, is proven date that supports that the train gender person is being target and cast out in the community.

Agnew's (2006) discuss the general strain theory as a model, which identifies many key strains that are particularly relevant to homeless youth. According to the article they defines homeless youth as individuals who, does not have a permanent and stable residence of their own, are between 16 and 24 years of age, and are living …show more content…

Prevalence estimates of homeless LGBT youth range widely from 20 to 40% of homeless youth, even though estimates of the LGBT population are only between 3 and 5% of the U.S. population (Ray & Berger, 2007). According to the article HUD’s studies they conduct a point-in-time count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless individuals each year on a single night in January. In 2014, 45,205 unaccompanied homeless youth were counted; these youth accounted for approximately 8% of the homeless who were counted. Most youth (86%) were between 18 and 24 years

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