
Essay On Immigration And Border Control

Decent Essays

Issue: Illegal immigration/Border Control
Illegal immigration is an increasingly huge issue in the United States. To solve this crisis or at least slow down the rate of illegal immigration, solutions with actions must be put into place. The first step would be to verify citizenship or legal residency for everyone. There should be a national database that can be accessed that would instantaneously verify this information. The federal government should employ Agents to go door to door to procure documentation from each person in a household to verify their citizenship or legal residency and then upload that documentation to the national database. If verification is not readily available, the person should be given 30 days to get the required documentation. …show more content…

First of all, figuring out exactly what kind of wall to build is an issue. Then, there is the issue of where to put the wall and how it will affect landowners. Another issue would be the manpower to guard the wall. And finally, perhaps the biggest criticism is the cost involved in building a wall.
Paying for this solution:
Paying for the solutions to illegal immigration and border control is not an easy task. One way to pay for new agents and a national database would to impose a fee on each person to be placed in the database. It would be a required fee, kind of like the fee you pay when your get your vehicle registration.
To pay for the border wall, fees could be imposed to go across the wall. However, before it is built, an additional import tax could be levied on foreign countries that provide products to the United States and these extra taxes could build the structure. Once the wall is built, if it is built so that it can provide either wind energy or solar energy, the money earned from the selling of that energy could be used to sustain whatever costs are involved with the wall.
Possible criticism of paying for this

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