
Essay On Joffrey And Jack In Lord Of The Flies

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Power is a unique entity in that it does not change who a person is. It exposes who a person is. If someone is kind and good natured then their tenure as leader will reflect their generosity and kindness. But if someone is wicked, violent and inhuman then power will not only reflect one’s cruelty it will augment it. Joffrey is a misogynistic and sadistic bully who kills and tortures at a moment's whim simply for the pleasure. Whereas Jack, the antagonist in Lord of the Flies, is a cruel evil person who thinks torturing innocent people will prove one’s strength. They both reckon fighting for leadership is the essential key to living a vigorous life. The philosophy of Lord of the Flies compares with Game of Thrones in many ways as Joffrey and Jack are alike. Both of them are cruel leaders,describe themselves as a leader when they really aren't, and th will do whatever it takes to have a controlled society. Joffrey Baratheon and Jack are vicious in many similar ways. Joffrey mimics his uncle about his height and calls him a little monster because he's a dwarf. When Tyrion tells Joffrey that Sansa, Tyrion's wife, is not his to torment anymore Joffrey fires back saying, “Everyone is mine to torment, you'd do well to remember that you little monster”(S4 ep 2). Similarly, Jack makes fun of Piggy because he is obese, wears glasses, and just doesn't fit in with everyone.. At one point, Piggy says “We can't keep a fire going even if we tried,” Jack cruelly teases Piggy by repeatedly

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