
Essay On Kazakhstan

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Kazakhstan lies in the heart of Central Asia, occupying a small portion of the eastern segments of Europe west of the Ural River. The territory was conquered by Russia in the 18th century, and became a Soviet Republic in 1936. Since its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Kazakhstan is led by Nursultan Nazarbayev and he remains virtually unchallenged. Born in 1940, Nazarbayev came into power in 1989 as the first secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and was elected as president the following year, in 1990. His own Otan Party merged with the Asar party that was led by his daughter, Dariga, in 2006, and formed the new Nur Otan Democratic People’s Party. Many international observers and critics view this as a method to …show more content…

Similar to broadcast media, most print outlets are maintained by the government or groups in favour of the government, and do not include content critical of the country. In addition, the Kazakh government has full authority over the printing press and private media are often forced to rely on state subsidies because of the government’s restriction on advertising. As internet usage continues to increase, to 73 percent of the population in 2015, the Kazakh government continues to hold a majority stake in the country’s largest internet provider, Kazakhtelecom, and has implemented policies that ban politically affiliated websites, as well as social media, and blogs that condemn the control by the authoritarian Kazakh regime. During the time period between 2015-2016, large prison sentences were handed to social media users, which effectively declined internet freedom in the country. The introduction of the “National Security Certificate” allowed greater surveillance online. According to Amnesty International, prosecutors utilized the legal system to target individuals that practise dissent on the government. In a particular case, Yermek Narymbaev and Serikzhan Mambetalin were sentenced to respective prison terms for posting on Facebook parts of an unpublished book that was offensive to ethnic Kazakhs. The Kapital Newspaper of Kazakhstan reported that this detention by the Department of Internal Affairs was due to the spread of information regarding “inciting

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