
Essay On The Rise Of The Soviet Union

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In December 30th, 1922 was born the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The intention behind the founding of this association was to achieve an egalitarian, socialist state and where humble workers, a majority community, were able to gain control over the so-called "capitalists" who sought to keep them at their mercy. The most powerful entities of Russia (one of the main Soviet Union creators) took control when they began to spread the motto "all power to the soviets." It is at this time that the monarchy of Tsar Nicholas II was threatened and finally destroyed in 1917. From this year, began the establishment of a social state and free of exploiters was consolidated until more than a dozen countries were they joined him. With more than 80 …show more content…

The behavior of the Middle Ages and the most brutal feudalism were still in force. The reforms were urgent and necessary so that, despite the internal opposition he found, he was prepared to introduce social, economic, administrative and military changes. In this process he did not admit any discrepancy or delay. It was his great project of government and had to be carried out even though he supposed that many estates lost power and influence. The Empress continued the work undertaken by her predecessor on the throne, Peter I the Great, based on the progressive Westernization of Russia to become a European power. Catherine is known as one of the most cultured rulers of Russian history. He read constantly and was always informed about the political events of both Russia and the rest of Europe. He spoke fluently several languages and corresponded with many of the most lucid minds of the time, such as Voltaire or Denis Diderot, whose ideas influenced the political thinking of the monarch. With that his diplomatic sagacity allowed him to attract favorable opinions of the western European courts towards its reign. Russia's new strength is also based on its vast reserves of oil and natural gas, which as the price of crude exceeds $ 120 per barrel, give the country tremendous bargaining power, not only in its relations with countries directly dependent on its supplies as Ukraine, Germany and Hungary, but, in general, by the capacity of influence that give

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