
Essay On Latino American Discrimination

Decent Essays

Latino American Discrimination Have you ever given mind to why it is important for us as human beings to protect one another and to share the same rights we have. Furthermore, receiving fair share of pay in jobs or labor from working the same hours as to a white or black person. Finally, to feel that as human beings that have the right to live away of their countries without being segregated, discriminated or even ignored from public needs. Well, in this paper I will talk about the whole process of the discrimination and some of my personal experiences with the topic. Latin culture is a growing number in the U.S.A. from the past to our modern era. Most of the U.S.A. is inhabited by Latino families, such as, Puerto Ricans, Colombians, Costa Ricans, and Mexicans. Over seventeen percent of people living in the United States are Hispanic and Latin based families. These families are found in all states, but mainly reside in Florida, Texas, Arizona, or even New Mexico. However, there is a slight problem in our modern day life and it is discrimination of Hispanics and Latino Americans. Hispanic families and Latino families are sometimes distinguished just from their facial features, Spanish accent and …show more content…

The first role I would be willing to take is as a public speaker because this way I can express to everyone in the states of how Latinos are feeling with these awful discrimination ideas. The second and final role I would take is as a leader or CEO of the civil rights of Latinos and Hispanics in the U.S. Therefore, I expect that this paper has inspired at least some of you to take action and stop this discrimination toward my fellow Latinos by demanding Latino American civil rights from the White House as so did Martin Luther King Jr. Also try to spread the word of the problem and try to fix it. Lastly, think of the role you would want to follow in this motion just like I

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