Cannabis or Marijuana has become a buzz word amongst the people of Canada who are eagerly waiting for legalization of all ingestion methods of the herbal product. However, it is seemingly a long distance process to achieve such hard task as there are many threats and illnesses which queue together when marijuana is not properly taken in. Therefore, Health Canada and the government laid down serious restrictions of the use of marijuana under the surveillance of certified medical marijuana doctors and personnel belonging to Health Canada. Reasons to select medical marijuana consultants As mentioned before, there are several legalities which ought to be fulfilled during the process of acquiring marijuana. In addition, there are many hurdles …show more content…
Health Canada gives out a lengthy and complicated application which has a lot of space to detail about the patient along with legal issues concerned. Medical marijuana consultants offer professional lawyers who deal with application preparation, patient issues, dispensary laws, and issues with local governments and Health Canada. Overall support – The two factors mentioned above are the most critical and complex ones while going for legal marijuana in Canada. However, the job is not done by filling forms and sending them to authorities. These consultants will make sure every step is going according to the desire of the client and ensure the delivery of medical marijuana through the prescription. Furthermore, a lot of valuable information is showered into the minds of the clients so that they do not execute illegal means in the future. The assistance given by these consultants is admirable and the fact that they take care of every corner while dealing with a client makes them more reliable. This is the main reason for people to select consultants rather trying on their own as self-effort may lead to occurrence of mistakes which is not tolerated by Health Canada policies. In conclusion, it is suggestible to rely on medical marijuana consultants as in their case, professionalism matches
Also, marijuana can be seen as being addictive in nature. “Approximately 9% of individuals that use marijuana become addicted” (Marijuana Statistics). Marijuana contains many chemicals, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can cause many positive and negative effects to the human body and brain. A major attribute for medical marijuana is the economic advantages that are produced from the distribution of the drug. Also, the legalization of medical marijuana can portray positive and negative outcomes for law enforcement. Therefore, medical marijuana has many positive effects, such as treatment for diseases, and negative effects, such as immune system suppression. Throughout this research paper, medical marijuana will be thoroughly explained to exemplify the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing the
It is Hawaii Medicinal Option’s intention to integrate a high level of patient/staff interface into its dispensary operations. An actively licensed pharmacist by the State of Hawaii will always hold the position of Hawaii Medicinal Options Patient Care Manager, and will be the direct supervisor of all Patient Services department employees. Only members of the Patient Services Department will be authorized to discuss approved medical marijuana products with patients, and only under the direct supervision of and in consultation with the Patient Care Manager. The Patient Care Manager will ensure all department employees are properly trained and
David Casarett a Physician in California explains how he learned about Medical Marijuana and how he has come to recommend other physicians to research and consider medical marijuana. Casarett asks, “What if mainstream health care operated more like a medical marijuana dispensary?”
During discussions of legalizing cannabis for the public, many judges in Canada have allowed using marijuana in personal medical situations. For example, Nichols (2000) expresses that:
Marijuana is a drug that is prepared from the bloom head (flower) of cannabis plant and it is utilized as a medication in some conditions, such as, glaucoma and so forth. This pill has some destructive impacts and is recognized as illegal medication apart from a few states in United States and Amsterdam. Marijuana is a widespread drug and has damaging consequences for individuals. An enormous debate has started, in numerous countries should consumption of Marijuana should to be legalized or not? Canada is also amongst those nations where this issue is debated, it has grasped attention of many people, and the majority of individuals feel that utilization of Marijuana should not be legitimized in Canada, Since this drug is remarkably unsafe
Since government funding is not permitted, private dispensaries are generally set up to administer marijuana prescriptions with varying levels of restrictions ranging from strict to almost nonexistent (Kleber & Dupont, 2012). Physicians may issue a “marijuana card” to patients who apply for drug treatment programs within their authorized state of residence and processed for approval or denial (Harding, 2013). Conventional pharmacies cannot administer marijuana prescriptions; therefore insurance companies do not cover it. Patients have the option of having a personal supply (if approved in their state) or the use a dispensary facility.
As more effective treatments for diseases and cancers are being developed, a safe and promising drug is being under attack for its many misconceptions. Marijuana use of both medicinally and recreationally, has been hindered by the misconceptions it has faced due to it being on the schedule 1 drug class of the U.S government. These misconceptions of medical marijuana have hindered its legalization by having people continue to believe them, refusing to learn the beneficial properties of medical marijuana, and as a result have affected people who could benefit from this form of treatment.
Throughout history, marijuana and its use in Canada has been surrounded with a myriad of controversy. Since its controversial prohibition in 1923 (Schwartz), marijuana has been a hot point of debate amongst Canadians. Although many believe that marijuana is extremely addictive, has negative effects on brain function and creates more crime, it is painfully obvious that Canada would benefit greatly from the taxing and selling of marijuana. The decriminalization of marijuana will not only salvage hundreds of millions of dollars in wasted law enforcement, but also will create a large financial windfall for the government in addition to directing more citizens to a less harmful drug than alcohol. According to many people who disagree with the sale of marijuana, “marijuana has serious health implications” (Berman). However, a recent study
The Marijuana laws in Canada today are unresolved, as superior courts have ruled all cannabis laws to be of “no force or effect”.
Marijuana is listed under one of the ancient and prohibited drugs with high rate of use for both medical and recreational purposes (Grinspoon and Bakalar qtd. in Lucas et al. 435). It has been used for the last 5000 years around the world by both legal and illegal ways. Furthermore, Grinspoon and Bakalar in their research say that “despite the high rate of recreational use and over 5000 years of therapeutic applications, this plant has resulted in relatively few serious negative physical or social impacts beyond the consequences associated with legal prohibitions on its use” (Lucas et al. 435). Canada was the first country in the world which outlawed use of cannabis in 1923 and there are no scientific basis behind its prohibition (MacQueen
Marijuana legalized for recreational use has been a matter of strong public policy debate for years. Society must understand that their mistakes is in the path of legalization and decriminalization. Through our research we prove that marijuana is not nearly as harmful as other substances which are legal such as alcohol and tobacco. Canada must also realize that marijuana will benefit Canada in all other legal, economic, and environmental aspects. In legalizing cannabis, Canada will be able to keep the product out of the black markets and create revenues from taxation, also creating more jobs for Canadians. It is also beneficial for the environment due to the use of little pesticides, and therefore less machinery and less pollution. Hence the
Marihuana use for medical practices can be traced back to 2800 BCE (Heilig, S., 2011), and since then the plant has travelled around the world with each culture using the properties of the plants for different medical and recreational purposes. In Canada “a recent survey of Canadians over age 14 found that 44% reported using cannabis at least once in their lifetime” (The Legal History and Cultural Experience of Cannabis, 2017). In Health Canada’s 2015 ‘Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey’ reported 24% of the 12% of Canadians who used cannabis in the past year did so for medical uses (Health Canada, 2017). Of concern, is use among youth as “adolescents are particularly at risk for marijuana-related harms since their brains are undergoing
Marijuana is a commonly used street and recreational drug. It is a mood-altering drug affecting most organs in the body. There is evidence stating that marijuana is useful to people suffering from severe pain and chronic health problems, although it is believed that there are still multiple health concerns surrounding the drug (Davis, 2016). It is estimated that nearly 2.3 million Canadians are marijuana users (McDowell, n.d.). Marijuana is not yet legal in Canada, but it appears as though it may become legal in the near future. In 2015, there were 96, 423 drug violation incidents that occurred in Canada. According to StatCan, crimes involving marijuana have decreased, while crimes involving other drugs have increased. (Government of Canada,
Cannabis use, though still somewhat stigmatized in the media, is among one of the fastest growing trends in Canada among youths and adults alike. The evidence I have gathered through statistical analysis and secondary research shows that cannabis has become the recreational drug of choice among Canadians. This is due to a host of factors. One of these factors is a record breaking positive public perception of cannabis among Canadians. The way the public perceives a drug is very important, and for something as taboo as cannabis to be accepted by the public and the media takes time and effort. This struggle to increase the positive perception of cannabis among Canadians has paid off greatly, displayed in national surveys where
Marijuana legalization has been a debateable topic in the recent history. Canada’s government sees Marijuana as the biggest threat while alcohol and tobacco, two of the most life threatening substances are legal, so why not legalize marijuana as well? Is prohibition of marijuana really helping the society or is it just creating the forbidden fruit effect”, which provokes the citizens to try it? There are many different ideas regarding its complete legalization as well as the smaller scale medical marijuana legalization. Regardless of what the conclusion of the argument is, these beliefs fall under either social order or conflict perspective. Following this topic,