
Essay On Mental Illnesses

Decent Essays

There are many mental disorders that have different effects on people and are sometimes determined to have had an influence in some crimes. If these mental illnesses are truly what caused the perpetrator to act out on these crimes, do they deserve to receive the help that they need and are there any solution to help deter future crimes involving the mentally ill? If so, fixing the problem could prove to be difficult, the community should assume a portion of the responsibility in the finding of a solution to help not only the mentally ill but also protect anyone on the other side of these crimes. The criminal justice system does not always handle the mentally ill properly. According to Theodore Dalrymple there are many crimes that go unrecorded that are committed by people with mental illnesses. (Dalrymple) It is said that these crimes go unpunished or are not dealt with simply because they are believed to be under psychiatric treatment. This reasoning alone does not justify not dealing with the problem, these people are in need of help which they cannot receive by being left out on the streets. These people being left out would not only be bad for themselves but possibly others as well. The problem does not only occur out in streets but also within the prisons. According to Christine …show more content…

There needs to be a better understanding of these mental illnesses that these people can get the support that they need. By further understanding what these illnesses are doing we are able to help not only those suffering from these illnesses but also those that they might hurt. Notwithstanding the crime that was committed, they should receive the treatment needed not only as a way to help themselves but also doing so as a way to further help any current and future people who share these mental

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