
Essay On Modular Homes

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Classic Manufactured and Modular Home Styles Across the Country Check out these classic prefab homes in areas like the north, south, east and west Affordability isn’t the only factor you will use in choosing your dream manufactured or modular home. We know you’ll want a prefabulous home made just for you, so the style of your home exterior is also a factor you will consider. Your dream home will reflect your lifestyle, and with all of the options that manufactured homes have to offer, you’re probably wondering how you can make your home truly yours. One way to match your home with your style is by considering the region you will be living in. Data gathered from Zillow Group shows that Ddifferent styles of homes, including manufactured …show more content…

Midwest Because of the vast variety of landscapes types of land that are in the Midwest region, there are multiple different styles of homes that are popular. Styles of homes in the Midwest vary from bungalow styles like this home and rancher styles like this modular home . Bungalow styles fit well in areas like Illinois or Missouri. The low pitched roofs feature wide overhangs, and the homes are typically just one story. Distinct and cozy, a bungalow home is sure to be an eye catcher in your Midwest neighborhood. Ranchers fit especially well in the flat field landss of states like Kansas or even in regions with flat and mountainous areasmany lakes such as Minnesota. The rectangular L-shape of the home places itself well on just about any terrain and features a long front porch so you can sit and enjoy your Midwest views. Southwest pre-built home styles Homes like the 43IMP45733AM model by Southern EnergySEhomes features beautiful exteriors that blend well with the southwestern environment. The exterior siding boasts beautiful tan and brown stones that pop against grass or even theaccent the sand and rock of more desert regions. And the low hanging roof over the front porch can protect you from even the brightest sunshine. The You even have the option of Llow-E windows, which allow just enough natural light inside the home without allowing muchthe heat to come in from the

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