
Essay On My Love Of Literature

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As a child, I enjoyed literature. I was fascinated by the bright illustrations and flamboyant texts that accompanied these simple stories which always involved a lively ending and a central theme. I read in order to find enjoyment through the ludicrous adventures of the children’s story protagonists. As I progressed through grade school, the style and my association with literature began to drastically change.I was told that these books would broaden my knowledge, enrich my vocabulary and strengthen my writing skills. Perhaps this is true, but I could not help feeling that reading had now become homework (a forced assignment) and it not help these books lacked the charm which the ones of my childhood possessed. I now dislike the concept of literature because books I now read lack the virtues which I enjoyed in children's books and are read only because they are a requirement of my education. The first reason why I now dislike the concept of literature is because books I now read lack the virtues which I enjoyed in children's books. First, the books I once read like Eric Carle and Geronimo Stilton contained vivid illustrations, flamboyant texts, and playful adventures. I remember In Kindergarten during story time, my teacher would enthusiastically read the works of Eric Carle, holding the book in way that the whole class could see the illustrations. I was astonished when the chameleon in The Mixed Up Chameleon adopted the features of other animals in order to better itself

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