
Essay On Near Death

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On November 16th, 2016 at approximately 11:00AM I, Investigator James Poffel was contacted by the Department of Human Services Child Protection Services worker, Lauren Johns. Lauren advised me that the department had just received a referral of a near death investigation of a four month old child. The child was originally brought to Eastar Hospital in Muskogee, Oklahoma for seizures and then transferred to the NICU at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma for some more in depth follow up.
Lauren was able to provide me with the information she had at this time. The four month old baby was being classified as a near death. Her name is Tiana Reed-Segue, born on July 14th, 2016. The referral to the Department of Human Services stated that …show more content…

The hospital staff caring for Tiana was not going to allow the parents to check Tiana out of the hospital until they received the okay from DHS and/or law enforcement.
I arrived at St. Francis Hospital PICU and took photographs of Tiana. Tiana appeared to be a healthy four month old, wearing clean set of pajamas. While taking photographs, I did not observe Tiana to have any bruising or other injuries on her body. Tiana was clean and it appears like she has been kept clean or that the hospital has bathed her and changed her since her arrival. I also spoke with the tending staff, Tess Hanner, DO, who informed me Tiana presented to the hospital extremely dirty. Once there she was cleaned up by tending staff. Additionally, Tess said when Tiana was presented to them at the hospital she was showing signs of seizures and delayed reactions. After some further testing and history from the family they learned she was being formula bottle fed. The hospital was able to determine with Tiana’s symptoms, she was most likely suffering from malnutrition and water intoxication due to the parents mixing too much water and not enough formula. This is commonly observed when trying to make up for a lack of formula supply or trying to make a formula supply last longer.
Furthermore, an updated condition of Tiana since being in the hospital displayed her levels to be back to normal and

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