
Essay On Non Amish

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The unprecedented terrorist attack on the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon was a horrific, life-altering event for all Americans, including the Amish. Experts are still uncertain of precisely how this tragedy has psychologically impacted (or will impact, in the long run) America’s children and adults. However, since the Old Order Amish do not watch TV, nor read the daily newspapers, I am convinced that it did not affect Amish children nearly as negatively as it did non-Amish children.

There is no doubt that this tragedy has forced Amish adults to reaffirm their pacifist beliefs more than at anytime in their history of living in America. And, like most other Americans, they have also struggled with how our country should have responded …show more content…

They are committed pacifists and these strong beliefs resulted in several documented conflicts for them with their non-Amish neighbors since the tragic event occurred. For example, many have been criticized and scorned for not flying the flag on their homes and businesses following the unparalleled tragedy.

However, there can be no doubt about it, the Amish love their country, give “unto Caesar which is Caesar’s,” pray daily for America’s leaders and teach their children to respect the flag. But, waving and/or saluting the flag, pledging allegiance, singing the national anthem, etc, is contrary to their interpretation of the Bible and is viewed by them as a form of idolatry.

In sum, the Amish agree that America’s war on terrorism is more complicated and confusing for them than any previous war in which the US has been engaged. They, like all Americans, are trying to make sense out of the continuous terrorist threat to all of us. And, they like the rest of us, are still learning how to react to, and understand, individuals who want only to kill and maim other people in the name of their God in such a particularly dreadful and horrific

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