Summary Recently Northern California had deadly wildfires that caused homes to be destroyed. The rebuild could take years and there will be many difficulties along the way. There is a shortage of skilled labors who can help rebuild the homes and the materials needed to rebuild could rise. There is also concern that a shortage of supplies may occur. Northern California has very strict environmental and building regulations, but the governor has lessened these regulations in order to make the rebuild easier. Homes are being built in wildfire-prone areas, but are going to use new construction methods that are ignition resistant and resistant to embers. Builders want to build houses close together so construction can speed up by utilizing the …show more content…
The wildfires will have an impact on scarce resources because many buildings and thousands of acres of trees have been burned to the ground. It not only hurts the land category, but it hurts labor and capital categories. Labor includes the physical actions and mental activities that people contribute to the production of goods and services. Capitol includes all factory, storage, transportation, and distribution facilities. The people affected by the disaster will begin to act in self-interest. Self-interest simply means that each economic unit tries to achieve its own particular goal. The wineries will try to rebuild fast in order to have tourists return and begin to make profits. People will try to find a place to live until their homes are rebuilt. Natural disasters can destroy factories and cripple supply chains. This means the market system must develop methods for assessing and managing risk. In most cases, people would have insurance to cover the risk of a natural disaster so it does not have to solely rely on out of pocket money. My opinion on the issues mentioned in the article due to the wildfires is very concerning. People in the surrounding areas will also be affected by the amount of toxic waste polluting the air and if it gets into the water supply. If the toxic waste is removed quickly, then it will relieve some of the concerns and cause building to begin quicker. If skilled labors from all over come to help rebuild, it wouldn’t
Long-term impacts Disease may spread. People may have to be re-housed, sometimes in refugee camps. The cost of rebuilding a settlement is high. Investment in the area may be focused only on repairing the damage caused by the earthquake. Income could be lost. Important natural and human landmarks may be
During the Mexican American war, racial tensions against people with Mexican ancestry increased. As the United States began to take over Mexican land many Anglo Americans continuously showed their rejection of Mexican culture and citizens by treating them cruel and unjust. The text, Early California Through the Eyes of Women, contains Bancroft and Cerruti’s interview of Rosalio Vallejo. In 1874, Vallejo recounts her experiences with complete resentment toward what had happened to her in 1846. More specifically, Vallejo’s interview reveals the injustices she was forced to endure during the Bear Flag Rebellion. Her testimonio exposes the authoritarian attitude American officials such as John C. Fremont possessed against the Californios. Not only did these men cause the destruction of her town, but they also stole from her people. Similarly, during the Mexican revolution (1910-1920) common people with Mexican ancestry living in the United States were succumbed to inferior treatment. In, Texas- Mexican Cancionero: Folksongs of the Lower Border, by Americo Paredes, the corridos stress the oppression men like Jacinto Trevino had to overcome in the hands of Texas- Rangers. In the following paper, I will show how perceived marginal figures like Rosalia Vallejo and Jacinto Trevino are able to resist the unjust treatment of Anglo American government officials in their own respective manners. While the testimonio shows resistance against American militant interference indirectly through Vallejos protest of American culture and her embracement of the spanish language, the corrido rejects Texans inferior treatment directly and physically through Trevino’s unapologetically confrontational comments and violent actions. Thus, both texts use a distinct tone and repetitive phrases in order to expose how people with Mexican ancestry have found ways to resist a long lineage of historical repression caused by their American neighbors.
In October 2003, San Diego experienced the Cedar Fire that claimed 273,246 acres, 2,820 structures, and 15 lives (CAL FIRE, 2015). It gained the moniker, “The Hundred Year Fire” because another fire of its magnitude was not expected for another 100 years (San Diego Fire Facts, 2016). This expectation was short lived because four years after this fire in October 2007, San Diego experienced the largest wildfire in history (San Diego Fire Facts, 2016). This fire gained the name, “Witch Fire” (CAL FIRE, 2015).
Economic and development of any area is always and always will be interrupted by disasters big and small. These disasters can have a big impact on the economy by destroying businesses, homes, and damage property. As disaster pose a challenge to up and coming or existing developments or communities there are ways to possibly help damage and lose such as not building in a flood zone and moving to higher elevation. Disasters can have an effect on families to.
After introducing to the students about pre-colonial life in California, I will introduce the Mission system by informing students about the Spanish arrival through lecture using specific text from Elusive Eden Chapter 6, illustrating the Spanish arrived to California to build Missions and introduce Christianity. Specifically highlighting , “The missions became the largest and most productive Spanish communities in California...the early missions were tiny, tenuous settlements marked by stick, mud, marginal agriculture and small neophyte populations” (Eden, 91). And providing illustrations of the mission and Spanish life. After introducing the Mission system to the students I will briefly explain the short Mexican period by illustrating them
The economic cost of wildfires is very expensive. All the help from the firefighters is very costly. The firefighters work hours a day for months depending on how big the fire spreads. All the chemicals and aircrafts they spend on trying to put out the fire adds on to the cost. The houses and the rest of the owner's belongings are lost from the fire and are needed to be rebuilt and repurchased. Millions of dollars is spent on the damage of
The California Floristic Province, is the only hot-spot that occurs largely in the United States; it is home to exceptionally high plant diversity and varieties of habitat. Stretching along the west coast starting in southwestern Oregon, it covers 70% of the State of California, and into northwestern Baja California, Mexico.
“Wildfires Devastate California,” a nonfiction article from Scholastic News by Sean Price, describes the dozens of wildfires in California that are affecting lots of Californians by forcing them to evacuate. The main cause of all this is the four-year drought making a lot of the forests and fields very dry and easier to burn. The current wildfires started when lightning struck the dry fields and forests. There are about 1,200 more fires now in 2015 than in the same period in 2014 -- that is a huge difference for just one year! Currently, California has 23 wildfires with 10,000 firefighters risking their lives to protect us and to put the fires out. The worst of all fires is the Rocky Fire which has destroyed 28 structures and caused 6,000
55). This is because things like a small flood would effect croplands differently than an urban center. A crop my actually benefit from silt deposits but the New York Stock Exchange would not. However, when disasters increase in scale they almost always have a significant impact on the economy (World Bank & United Nations, 2010, p. 55). Unfortunately, even though these impacts may be short-term there are third order effects on the economy. After Hurricane Katrina many areas were completely abandoned but many more were bought by developers pushing out the lower income populations, completely changing the local economy. This also highlights the different effect that disasters have on different demographics. As an example, the economies of developing countries are effected more by disasters then those of developed nations (World Bank & United Nations, 2010, p. 56). Although this may be because of population density or lack of infrastructure, it shows that demographics as well as the disaster itself have influence over the impact on local economy and
Natural disasters could have a major impact on the supply of labor for instance, a large quantity of employees could possibly leave the community and the population could see a decrease within the local labor supply. On the other hand, demand for labor or employees may rise if businesses try to fill with positions that are
A natural disaster has the capability to cause large scale damage and destruction to an area. Seismic events have been known to alter landscapes and affect the livelihoods, health and development of communities. No two earthquake events are the same and the level of threat posed by an earthquake can vary due to both the human and physical factors of an area. The 2010 magnitude - 7.0 earthquake that occurred in Haiti is an example of where a natural disaster caused a previously vulnerable area to suffer tremendous loss and debilitating socio-economic impacts, to an already poverty-stricken nation.
A disaster can hurt the economy in two ways. It can reduce supply, that is, it
People have a home but once the home is destroyed, there is no roof to stay under. Everything such as money and belongings will be all gone meaning everyone will have to start over. People would become greedy and criminal like since no one has anything left. If people see things that are valuable, people will fight and argue to win that valuable thing causing war leading to death. Everyone will starve because of hunger. No one will have the utensils and time to cook. If there were things to cook with, there will be no crops or animals left to cook/eat. In conclusion, natural disasters have a huge effect to the environment and people. War will start since everything would be extremely valuable, everyone will fight to get what they need and want.
Assessment of the Economic Impact that the Natural Disaster May Have on the Countries of South East Asia
Natural disasters may be defined as natural catastrophes which cause great damage by disrupting the functioning of a society thus rendering the country incapable of coping through using its own resources as there is a need for outsider assistance in order to effectively preserve lives and the environment. Conversely, Natural hazards are natural phenomena that are potential threats to people within a society, structures or economic assets and may cause disaster. Natural disasters are inevitable and ubiquitous worldwide. Within the Caribbean, they are chiefly present in the forms of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, and volcanoes. The great damages caused by natural disasters may be divided into three categories: social, economic