
Essay On Nursing Home Abuse

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Moving your loved one into a nursing home is never an easy decision. While it’s a comfort knowing he or she will be looked after, entrusting their care into the hands of strangers can be scary. This paired with a recent congressional report indicating that nearly 1/3 of all nursing homes have been cited for verbal, physical, and sexual abuse, and it’s no wonder why so many people have concerns. Should your loved one fall victim to nursing home abuse, the following entry will help you obtain justice. Signs of Nursing Home Abuse If you suspect abuse has occurred, you should report it immediately. Unfortunately, proving a claim can often be difficult, as your loved one may be afraid unable to communicate the abuse. Make a point to visit regularly …show more content…

Take photos of any physical harm, document statements, and hang on to hospital bills and bank statements to help support your claim. No detail is too small – the more information you are able to gather, the stronger your case will be. Where to File a Report Reporting nursing home abuse can be accomplished in a number of ways. Use following resources to get in touch with the proper authorities: • Eldercare Locator: Call 1-800-677-1116 to obtain state specific information regarding laws and regulations pertaining to nursing home abuse. Representatives are standing by weekdays, every Monday – Friday. • NECA: Visit the state resources page on the National Center on Elder Abuse website to locate the proper authorities in your area. This will provide you with a wealth of information, including hotlines, websites, phone numbers and addresses. • Call a Doctor: Healthcare professionals and social workers are required by law to report nursing home abuse cases. Assuming your loved one’s health care team is not involved in the abuse, get in touch with them for added support and guidance. • 911: If your loved one’s condition is life threatening, you should call 911 immediately. Not only will this help ensure proper medical care, it may also allow you to file a police

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