
Essay On Octopus Skin

Satisfactory Essays

"Camouflage sheeting changes color on demand." Construction Week 19 Aug. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
This article is about how engineers have used octopus skin to build a material that can change colors to match its surroundings; the engineers studied the many layers of octopus skin to design a three-layered material. I can use the engineer’s studies in my essay to give examples on how octopus skin can be helpful.
Einstein, Albert. "The octopus: a mysterious delicacy: the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious." Art Culinaire Spring 2009: 54+. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
This article has everything on octopuses from hunting tactics to defense mechanisms. It also explains about “the death hug” and “the fatal …show more content…

There are good explanations on the different layers of the skin and how they designed the material. There is also some good information on how camouflage takes place that I can use in the part of my essay on camouflage.

"Octopuses can detect light through their skin: study." News Tonight 23 May 2015. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
The article explains how octopuses can detect light and change the colors from their skin. It also mentions the comparisons of opsins in cuttlefish and octopuses. I am able to use the analysis of Todd H. Oakley, a biologist at the University of California, as support and reliable research for chromatophores. I can use Roger T. Hanlon and Todd H. Oakley’s research for my essay on the part of explaining how camouflage works.
"Octopuses focus on key features for successful camouflage." Space Daily 19 June 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2016. This is an informative article explaining that octopuses select detailed features of nearby objects instead of using a large landscape. It also includes a quote by Josef N, Amodio P on his thoughts about effective camouflage. I can use this article in my essay to help describe the octopus’s response to predation in relation to matching body

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